Saturday, May 15, 2010

And then there are books...

I love to read...have always loved to read. I remember walking to the post library as a kid and checking out 10 books only to go back 3 days later b/c I was done and needed more. In fact, my Dad tells a story about how I came home crying one day saying the librarian wouldn't let me check out the number of books I wanted b/c she didn't believe I was reading them all. I think he came with me the next time I went.

***NOTE FROM THE AUTHOR*** I don't care what anyone says. Being a "reader" does not automatically make you a good speller. My Mother used to tell me that all the time. She figured since I read so much, spelling would come easy. Yeah, not really!
I am a horrible speller and will forever be a horrible speller. I keep meaning to create a Face Book group called "Please give us a spell check button."

Anyway, so I have continued to be a poor spelling reader. When I went back to work, after 5 kids and 10 years, I worked at Barnes & Noble which was perhaps the best job ever! Who doesn't love a bookstore? Very few people! (And they are the type of people I don't want to hang out with anyway) Who comes into a book store? People who like to read, that's who!

Check this out: They actually PAID me to hang out and help people find books, recommend books to people, shelve and display all the latest books, and watch how much money people spend on books while I saved a bundle going to the library! (Okay, I didn't save a bundle working there, BUT I really only spent money on gifts for other people and it was at 40% off!) To top it off, I didn't have to bring the kids to work! How cool is that?!?!

So, to celebrate my love for books and assist my ever depleting memory bank, I have started compiling a list of the books I read. It's great for recommending books to others when I can't think of the title AND it's good to check back so I can know if I've read a book before so I don't waste my time reading it again. I always include a little synopsis of the plot to remind myself what it was about. I may not remember the title, but maybe I'll remember the story line...or not.

To protect the potential reader of books off my list, I don't give anything away that you wouldn't find in the jacket cover and maybe less. I love my father dearly and would recommend asking his advice on almost anything...except a book or movie that you don't want to know the ending to. Honest to God, I cannot discuss a book or movie with him that he doesn't give away the twist at the end. Come to think of it, he does that with TV too. I'll say "Dad, I started watching _______ (pick a series, any series). I'm on Season One." He'll reply with "You know I really enjoyed that until they killed off so and so in Season 3. Seriously?!?! This is typically a main character and if it really bothered him it was most likely an attractive female).

The other issue I must touch upon is one regarding the books I read. I don't judge you based on the blogs you read (however lame they may be), so I don't expect to be judged on the books I choose. I have graduated from college and am done learning anything I don't want to learn. Therefore, I feel no need to exercise my brain when it comes to books.

This can best be explained by describing to you what happened when someone criticized my preference in books.

I had recently been stuck in a German hospital with no English TV or radio for two weeks before Baby Charlie was born. I was reading a book or two a day. I wouldn't have thought you could manage a John Grisham in a day, but I did...several times. In addition to about 8 John Grisham's, I had read the first two Janet Evanovich books which featured Stephanie Plum, bail bonds woman.

A few weeks later I was at a dinner party and the wives started to discuss books. I recommended Janet Evanovich to everyone. Someone said she'd never heard of her. I was trying to explain the story line to her and one of the the other ladies said. "Oh, there's really no intrinsic value to reading her books."

I wish I had enough self esteem at the time to tell her to get off her high overly Christian horse and kiss my ass! Excuse me for reading something beyond "The Red Tent," which if you want my opinion was too long and TMI. Alas, Mary the Meek won over.

I did look at her and respond "Well, the intrinsic value in reading her books is that they remove me from my reality here!" There most certainly is value in escaping your reality. Even when you are enjoying that reality. At that time I was most certainly NOT enjoying my reality so what better way to survive than to forget who, where and why you are...better with a book than a drink, I always say. Come to think of it, I never have said that. Both seem to work equally well at times. BUT, a book doesn't give you a hangover, so it's got that going for it.

Regardless, I have never forgotten, or forgiven that remark. Have I mentioned my grudge issue? The issue is that I hold them near and dear to my heart. I have honestly tried to work on this, gone to confession, wrote about them, trying to get over hurtful things people have done or said...and you know what? Ain't gonna happen!

I wouldn't say I have tons of grudges...but the ones I have held aren't goin' anywhere. There are simply some things I will NEVER forgive. I guess I just don't want to bad enough. I would love to tell you some, but seeing as my marriage is in a really great place right now, I'll just keep my mouth shut. Just to clarify, these issues are not with my husband, but trashing his family on my blog may not go too well. Actually, I've deleted and re-typed this about 5 times debating on what I can get away with. Now I'm just curious to see if he'll read it and comment. Waiting honey...are ya out there?

So, back to the point. I will start putting my book lists on here for anyone interested. Read them, delete them, print them out and shread them for all I care. I'm just lettin' you know.

1 comment:

  1. Can't wait to see your list. FYI love the Stephanie Plum series, rarely do books make me LOL and those always did. Like you read a lot, or used to, have not been able to read for the past two years. I buy the authors I love to read and put their works on a special shelf so that when I read again I'll have plenty to choose from. In particular love the works of Edward Rutherford. They're written in the style of Michener but are sent in England, Poland and the last series in Ireland. Hefty tomes that would totally engross me.
